Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Eagle PCB CAD - How to copy a part from one schematic to another

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Gabriel Staples
8 Nov 2016

Learning EagleCAD? Here's how to copy a part from one schematic or board layout to another.
  1. Open up an Eagle Control Panel, and the board and schematic you are working on.
  2. Open up a *second* Eagle Control Panel, and the board and schematic you want to copy from.
  3. Use the group tool to make a selection of a part to copy.
  4. Click the copy tool, then ctrl + right click to copy the *grouped* selection to the clipboard. Press Esc now to not paste it anywhere in this project. 
    1. Note that you *must* use the group tool followed by ctrl + right click even if only copying a single object, since that's the only way to get it to your PC's clipboard.
  5. Go back to the schematic you'd like to paste into, and click the "paste" tool. Left-click anywhere to paste what's in the clipboard. 


Helpful References:
...among many others.

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~Sincerely, Gabriel Staples.

P.S. Yo hablo español también. Je parle français aussi. (I speak Spanish & French too).