8 Nov 2016
Learning EagleCAD? Here's how to copy a part from one schematic or board layout to another.
- Open up an Eagle Control Panel, and the board and schematic you are working on.
- Open up a *second* Eagle Control Panel, and the board and schematic you want to copy from.
- Use the group tool to make a selection of a part to copy.
- Click the copy tool, then ctrl + right click to copy the *grouped* selection to the clipboard. Press Esc now to not paste it anywhere in this project.
- Note that you *must* use the group tool followed by ctrl + right click even if only copying a single object, since that's the only way to get it to your PC's clipboard.
- Go back to the schematic you'd like to paste into, and click the "paste" tool. Left-click anywhere to paste what's in the clipboard.
Helpful References:
- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/using-eagle-schematic
- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/using-eagle-board-layout
...among many others.