Written: 16 Jan 2016
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2016
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- Feedback? Corrections? Contact me.
-Are you benefitting? Consider giving back.
-Is my website, code, information, etc, valuable? Consider contributing.
Hi, occasionally I get emails from people asking how they can contribute. Tools, equipment, & time cost money. Your contributions help me pay for more projects, buy better tools, get more equipment, have a higher quality of life, better provide for my family, and ultimately produce better content, to benefit you, more often. So, today I am setting up some mechanisms.
Before I continue, though, I thank you for your support!
I do my best to give you useful information, knowledge, understanding, and help on a variety of Radio Control, Arduino, and electronics topics. I strive to write outstanding articles, at a high quality, that are thorough, clear and accurate.
By supporting me, you improve the quantity and quality of my content, while saving yourself valuable time and learning interesting things along the way. I try to share useful information and project knowledge that might otherwise take you many hours to figure out on your own (it certainly took me many hours). I also frequently share and post code samples, and sometimes even full libraries. I save you time, while enhancing your life. Your contributions help me do this. Thank you!
How to financially contribute:
- Paypal:
- 1) Choose an amount from the drop-down menu, then press "Add to Cart." You may then modify the *quantity* to get variable amounts. Ex: add $10, then change quantity to 3 and click "update", to pay $30.
- 2) Or, click this button, then manually type in an amount on the next page, and click "update" before checking out.
- Gumroad:
- Choose and pay for any one of my free downloads here: https://gumroad.com/gabrielstaples
- Patreon:
- Become a patron. Patreon allows you to pay a fixed amount for each new, significant website article or YouTube video I produce, optionally up to a maximum, fixed amount per month that you specify! This way, you only give me something if I give you something. It allows me to get a more steady income so I can improve both the quality and quantity of the content I produce: https://www.patreon.com/eRCaGuy
- Bitcoin payments (coming later)
- Flattr (coming later)