Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Website Migrating

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By Gabriel Staples
Written: 17 March 2015
Updated: 19 March 2015

Update: As of 19 March 2015, you should no longer be seeing the redirect page below, under any circumstances, no matter where you find a link to my site (whether in this site, on another site, or on a Google search). Old links should automatically redirect to the new domain. Please notify me via the comments below this post if you still see the redirect page as shown below. Thanks!


I am in the process of migrating this website from http://electricrcaircraftguy.blogspot.com/ to a commercial domain: http://www.electricrcaircraftguy.com/. Please be patient as I do so. 

As you click on links, including links to my website or articles that you may find in Google searches, you may be directed to redirect pages that look like this: 

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