Updated: 14 July 2013.
Note: most recent additions are at the top of this article.
I suppose I watch my fair share of videos that I find amazing or inspiring. I am going to begin to save some of them. I will save them at this post, so check back from time to time.
- Raffaello D'Andrea - The Astounding Athletic Power of Quadcopters (added 14 July 2013) - this has got to be one of the most impressive and fascinating things I've ever seen! Click the link above to watch the video.
- FPV (First-Person View) to Space and Back (<--main link here)
- David, of RCExplorer.se, is always abounding in fascinating activities and work. A remarkable do-it-yourselfer and motivated electrical engineering/technician type, he is an incredible person to follow, and I have been loosely following his posts and work for a couple years now. One of his more recent endeavors (or successes, I should say, as this took him ~2 yrs I believe) is his First-Person-camera-piloted trip 1/3 of the way to space! He used a weather balloon to lift a Multiplex Funjet ~30km up (actual definition of "space" is usually considered more like 100km) then he cut the rope using a hot resistor circuit designed to melt through it, thereby releasing the plane, which he manually glided down and then hand-recovered by using its GPS coordinates. This is an INCREDIBLE FEAT, and NO EASY ENGINEERING CHALLENGE! Make sure to check out the video!
- Other related links:
- http://rcexplorer.se/projects/2013/03/fpv-to-space-and-back/ - he above article on his personal website.
- Quad Tilt-Rotor VTOL Official Music Video - this is what I like to see! - someone who is a Thinker *and* a Doer! They are really having fun with RC, and I'm sure learning a *ton* in the process! Want to see the person behind this? It's this guy, right here. Peter Sripol, the designer, builder, and pilot. Nice job Peter! I'm very impressed.
- Airship Endurance VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing). Pretty neat little vehicle. A tricopter with single tilt-rotor.
- Wing Suit Jumpers - including high-speed mountain passes, and formation flying
- More info
- What do you think their maximum glide ratio (L/D) is? I'm thinking 3:1 ~ 5:1.
- Operation Rocket - Smarter Every Day 39 - Destin takes Estes model rockets to a school in Gambia, and kids and teachers alike see, experience, and are inspired by model rocketry for the first time in their lives! I really admire Destin. He does a lot of really great things.
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~Sincerely, Gabriel Staples.
P.S. Yo hablo español también. Je parle français aussi. (I speak Spanish & French too).